Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
. . . AND to see the Elgin area transformed as people are reconciled to God through
the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel.
OUR STRATEGY is to create spaces where people are encouraged and equipped to
pursue intimacy with God, grow in community, and love others.
PURSUE INTIMACY WITH GOD // God is real and we can have a real relationship with Him. Through personal relationships, engaging worship, and solid biblical teaching we seek to introduce people to an ever growing connection with
Jesus who told us that He is the way to God.
GROW IN COMMUNITY // Spiritual growth almost always happens in the context of a community. We are not solitary pilgrims on a lonely road;
we are a family growing in the context of our relationships.
We work to create communities conducive to growth.
LOVE OTHERS // The Christian life is all about giving: giving love, giving hope, giving resources and on and on the giving goes. When there is one who gives,
it is nice. When there is a community that gives, it's a party.
By investing in the lives of others, we express our thanks to God and our belief that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.